Ubuntu on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Canonical and Amazon work together to make Ubuntu worker nodes available for Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS). This fully-managed service makes it easy to use Kubernetes on AWS, without being an expert in managing Kubernetes clusters.

These images are customised specifically for the EKS service, and are not intended as general OS images. To deploy an EKS cluster, follow the EKS user guide . For guidance on Ubuntu specific use cases for EKS and other AWS services, please refer to our official Cloud Documentation .

Latest changes

Add Jammy 1.29 with serial 20240426. Add Focal 1.29, 1.28, 1.27 with serial 20240427.

Show worker node images for:

Jammy Kubernetes 1.29

Region Use this or later image
Africa (Capetown) (af-south-1)
ami-0bdce5f2884c1e3ed amd64
ami-08be25547b0687526 arm64
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) (ap-east-1)
ami-065aeb08c56638648 amd64
ami-037dbff4737ef6e18 arm64
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) (ap-northeast-1)
ami-032dc7543e6cb373f amd64
ami-0d0b8acc587f81efe arm64
Asia Pacific (Seoul) (ap-northeast-2)
ami-0c5196f180a17df7e amd64
ami-05533ef0000a214e5 arm64
Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local) (ap-northeast-3)
ami-073d65f81372a9fb8 amd64
ami-082131bf660c3f2a6 arm64
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) (ap-south-1)
ami-07f5caf6a7470db00 amd64
ami-06281025fe64d1b0b arm64
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) (ap-south-2)
ami-02dd57b2ae9841361 amd64
ami-09ad37bab5f269013 arm64
Asia Pacific (Singapore) (ap-southeast-1)
ami-0a08dd1d7e858f8d0 amd64
ami-06981d1d8eff092a2 arm64
Asia Pacific (Sydney) (ap-southeast-2)
ami-0bc11f15022fda321 amd64
ami-0b9ff17160e54bd56 arm64
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) (ap-southeast-3)
ami-09cd841b8c25cd3fd amd64
ami-031a76f4f54fdaac0 arm64
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) (ap-southeast-4)
ami-06f2e7d94fe7dac29 amd64
ami-09bd8d863efdbef09 arm64
Canada (Central) (ca-central-1)
ami-064cca061e3d51ae2 amd64
ami-0fc738ecc0c22943a arm64
EU (Frankfurt) (eu-central-1)
ami-018753470d9fcb933 amd64
ami-04d8dd4dbecbfd810 arm64
EU (Zurich) (eu-central-2)
ami-035e8ce0e57a01591 amd64
ami-008165d87b705336f arm64
EU (Stockholm) (eu-north-1)
ami-0895cb8aeaac84eed amd64
ami-0205f3fe6a9b7f3ba arm64
EU (Milan) (eu-south-1)
ami-02f7eb311ed046633 amd64
ami-058e344b6987e9318 arm64
EU (Spain) (eu-south-2)
ami-0b467b9a88599ee5a amd64
ami-08deec6c48b8a0b85 arm64
EU (Ireland) (eu-west-1)
ami-0eb8fbe79e3a23dbc amd64
ami-0e33f0b9d0ba9a2ef arm64
EU (London) (eu-west-2)
ami-0e19273dfe20abd58 amd64
ami-001e45630426816e8 arm64
EU (Paris) (eu-west-3)
ami-0f87c3fd6e082e8a5 amd64
ami-0fd0ce9c087703854 arm64
Middle East (Israel) (il-central-1)
ami-0d635ff042507060e amd64
ami-0d950f7e8ec166a1a arm64
Middle East (UAE) (me-central-1)
ami-077870db3470a3f7d amd64
ami-0f19ffc615e3bb39d arm64
Middle East (Bahrain) (me-south-1)
ami-0c9cdedce12424948 amd64
ami-046ebe43c7ced6540 arm64
South America (São Paulo) (sa-east-1)
ami-0516f4f755e2931f2 amd64
ami-0c72d2e31d303c5fe arm64
US East (Virginia) (us-east-1)
ami-0b0e46c9307a7c6f2 amd64
ami-0f932941176f20c19 arm64
US East (Ohio) (us-east-2)
ami-0775d6e902027ace0 amd64
ami-0789635955404b346 arm64
US West (N. California) (us-west-1)
ami-070190584709ec64f amd64
ami-08baf8927a7d4aaf0 arm64
US West (Oregon) (us-west-2)
ami-034597cec0d27f567 amd64
ami-089c83805f1c59787 arm64

Kubernetes 1.29

The latest Ubuntu worker node AMIs for Kubernetes 1.29 (N.B. EKS may not be available in some of these regions, check the list of current EKS regions ):

Important: EKS images that support Kubernetes 1.29 use the default amazon-eks-nodegroup.yaml , as specified in the AWS EKS Console Getting Started Guide . To use Ubuntu EKS images with the nodegroup template in Step 3: Launch and Configure Amazon EKS Worker Nodes, click the 'Launch Workers' link for your your region and Kubernetes release version, and enter the Ubuntu AMI ID for your region, listed on this page, into the field labeled 'NodeImageId'.

This image is customized specifically for the EKS service and is not intended as a general OS image.